Old LDS Tuba City Church Cemetery

Tuba City, Coconino, Arizona, United States


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Going east on 160 towards Tuba City, turn right on Main Street. You will pass a dirt road on the right. The next hard surface asphalt road turn right and then turn right again into the parking lot. Cemetery is behind L shaped building ( old LDS Church). The cemetery is located behind the old church. The steeple has been taken down. It is now part of the Hopi Indian Reservation and used as a day care center. There is a trailer between the building and cemetery where a young family lives. The cemetery is surrounded by a chain link fence. The cemetery is wind tossed, and littered with broken bottles. People from the reservation are using it now because I saw some new graves over in the far corner. A sign states, "the mission closed in 1903, 27 of their members are buried here." In 1903 the government bought all the land at Moencopi and Tuba City for the Indian Reservation.
Old LDS Tuba City Church Cemetery, Created by Texas Reiver, Tuba City, Coconino, Arizona, United States